From Then to Now 2016/17
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We usually visit a couple of times during the winter and in April before opening. We never quite know what awaits
This year a spring wind storm had been added to make the clean up even more challenging |
Waiting for the duckies on a glorious May 27th 2017
Quickly followed by a not so glorious 23rd of June 2917
Heading Our Way
Confluence Of River And
In all the years the trailers have been here, the river has never come high enough to reach the doors
Guantanamojo. In the Taino lauguage "land between the rivers"
Or in our, case between the river and the creek
Pre Flood June 10th 2017
One Month
After The Flood July 28th 2017
All is blooming that should be blooming
Cut out to
Inset Cabinet. October 2017
It's not all work, walkies in the river in a long frock and wellies
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